Protect Your Brand With A Trademark
Even if you think your business is too small, or your brand isn’t very strong, it still needs protection.
What if someone decides to call their business the same name as yours?
What happens to your brand then?
Even if you think your business is too small, or your brand isn’t very strong, it still needs protection.
What if someone decides to call their business the same name as yours?
What happens to your brand then?
It’s your idea, your ingenuity, your invention.
And, you’re fairly sure that your idea is pretty good.
So, should you try to patent your idea or not?
You’ve had a great idea.You’re sure it would be popular in the marketplace. What now?
If it’s new and it’s your idea then you may need to find the best way for you to protect and profit from your invention.
It stands to reason that this special artwork – your logo – should be protected from someone copying all or parts of it.
Your logo artwork can be protected under Copyright Law as a Visual/Artistic work and under trademark law too.
The sad case of Mr and Mrs Chapman’s trademark trouble and how it led to them losing their business.
Mr and Mrs Chapman are bakers and opened a new bakery shop.
What would you do if someone copied your business name- how would it impact on you?
Imagine they started trading directly across the street – what then?
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